If You Have Back Pain During Pregnancy and Tips to Prevent It...

If You Have Back Pain During Pregnancy and Tips to Prevent It...
- When you need to lift something from the ground while standing, bend your knees and bend down, do not bend your waist. Keep your knees straight, avoid lifting heavy objects and carry weights evenly.
- Avoid sitting in a fixed position for more than 20-30 minutes.
- Stay active to keep your spine flexible; Do simple stretching exercises after being inactive for a long time.
- Sit with your back straight, avoid slouching. As you sit, feel that you are sitting on two bony prominences on your hips.
- Don't cross your legs.
- Sitting on a pilates ball and applying heat or cold to your lower back can also be soothing.
- Choosing a supportive mattress and proper sleeping positions are very important. "The side-lying position is generally recommended during pregnancy.