Do you squat in the in air when using the toilet?

Trying to do it in a squat position strains the pelvic floor muscles and can lead to dysfunction disorders.

Do you squat in the in air when using the toilet?

Some people hold their urine all day, reduce water consumption to avoid going to the toilet, or out of fear of infection They avoid using public toilets.

Standing in the air while urinating increases the tension on your pelvic floor muscles. Our pelvic floor should be relaxed while urinating and defecating. Trying to do this in a squatting position strains the tense pelvic floor, causing dysfunction. When you try to urinate in the air, you prevent the proper flow of urine. Trying to force urine by applying pressure to empty it faster can eventually lead to pelvic organ prolapse if done frequently.

Resisting the need to go to the toilet, holding it in, and then trying to force it weakens the pelvic floor muscles. Failure of these muscles to work properly can lead to urinary incontinence during actions such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, and jumping.

The most important thing to do is to adjust the sitting posture correctly, relax the pelvic floor muscles and learn to direct the intra-abdominal pressure to the pelvic floor muscles.

Reducing water intake stimulates the bladder more and creates the need to go to the toilet more frequently. Drink water by spreading your daily consumption of 2.5-3 liters throughout the day and consuming water every hour.

We can reduce caffeine and acidic food consumption outdoors.

Remember not to hold your urine for more than 4 hours to train the bladder. Do not empty the bladder before 2 hours and do not delay.

Remember, you do not catch germs from the vagina when you sit on the toilet; You can use disposable seat covers. You can also prop up the toilet with wipes. If using public toilets is taboo for you, please get support from a psychologist.