Incontinence Treatment in Children
Treatment for Voiding Dysfunction and Urinary Incontinence
Let's take a closer look at sensitive issues like voiding dysfunction and urinary incontinence together. These types of problems are often associated with deficiencies in the coordination and strength of the pelvic floor muscles and surrounding muscle groups. In treatment, I utilize methods such as Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS), which support the body's natural movement development and correct imbalances in the neuromuscular system.
Treatment Approach
First and foremost, correcting the child's body position and movement patterns is crucial. Additionally, I recommend specific exercises to strengthen and control the pelvic floor muscles. DNS allows us to understand the natural movement patterns during infancy and is used to regain these patterns. This enables children to learn to use the correct muscle groups during voiding and improve voiding control.
Family Involvement
Of course, involving families in the treatment process is essential. Parents are informed about exercises and techniques they can perform at home to strengthen their child's pelvic floor and support voiding control. Additionally, they should be educated about the importance of proper toilet habits and body mechanics.
Individual Approach
Every child's situation is different, so I tailor my treatment plans to individual needs. However, my goal is always to help children develop voiding control and enjoy a healthy life.
Feel free to contact me directly through the contact section... Wishing you good health!