The Effects of Cleaning Products on Our Homes

The impact of cleaning products on our homes can lead to nasal congestion!

The Effects of Cleaning Products on Our Homes
Windows should be opened frequently during the day to clean the air in the house. The house should be ventilated intermittently for a total of 2 hours.

How clean is the air in our homes?
    Homes should be ventilated as much as possible. Indoor air pollution is much more dangerous than outdoor viruses and microbes.

    Opening the window is strongly recommended. When it is left open for an hour, whether it's a street balcony window or a home window, it clears 60% of the indoor air.

But now, in those plazas, here and there, people are sitting with closed windows trying to ventilate with air conditioners. When air conditioners are on, only 12% of the air is cleaned.

Having an open window is very important...

    Why? - Now I'm getting to disinfectants, detergents - because there is so much chlorine in them that the chlorine mixes with the indoor air and turns into vapor.
    Mothers who are influenced by advertisements saying "Mine is whiter than yours, mine removed stains, yours didn't" unfortunately use them a lot, and that's why children's noses get blocked.
    Why does the nose get blocked or why do their noses get blocked or why do they cough all day long?
    Why? Because the detergents left on our clothes, bed sheets, towels, pajamas, pillowcases, and underwear mix with the air, we breathe it in, and in order not to let the body breathe it in, the nose has to block itself.
    "People say, 'There is a growth in my nose, there was a growth in my child's nose, so I had it removed,'" but when a child is born, there is no growth in the nose.
    Due to being exposed without knowing it, the child is exposed to chlorine poisoning - disinfectants are the same thing, detergents are the same thing - and the body blocks the nose or the nose gets blocked or runs to protect itself.
    If you sneeze, if your nose is blocked, if it's runny, know that your body is warning you not to send me that poison anymore. Don't poison your children like this.

Will we see the bad consequences of what we are doing?

    We are hearing news now about new diseases emerging, aren't we? We will hear more.
That's why the immune shield is very important. We need to strengthen our bodies. If we strengthen our immune system, we can go through illnesses more lightly and comfortably, whether we get sick or not.