The benefits of celery are countless.

Celery, which stands out with its high water content and low calories, is one of the vegetables that has numerous health benefits.

The benefits of celery are countless.

   Celery is one of the vegetables that stands out with its high water content and low calories, and it has numerous health benefits. Thanks to the nutrients in its composition, it can actively contribute to supporting heart health, reducing the risk of cancer, and strengthening the digestive system, among many other important aspects. Celery, with its high fiber content, can also be easily consumed by those trying to maintain their weight, as approved by expert dietitians.

   Celery belongs to the Umbelliferae family and is a biennial plant with its root part being the most effective. In the first year, the root part of the plant underground and the green part above the soil grow, while in the second year, it produces seeds and flowers. The medicinal use of celery dates back to ancient times. Nowadays, celery, particularly known as an indispensable vegetable for winter tables, contains various vitamins and minerals, among other essential nutrients, in its composition. The nutritional value of approximately 100 grams of celery is as follows:

  • 31 kcal energy,
  • 90.17 g water,
  • 0.29 g fat,
  • 2.70 g dietary fiber,
  • 5 g carbohydrates.

Celery is rich in minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium, as well as vitamins B1, B3, B6, C, and K.

What are the nutritional values of Celery?

   When the nutritional values of celery are examined, it can be seen that the fat content is quite low while the water content is much higher. Thanks to this feature, celery can be consumed comfortably by those who pay attention to their nutrition and want to maintain their weight. Celery contains important vitamins such as B and C vitamins and essential minerals such as phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. Additionally, celery is also rich in vitamin K, which is known to contribute to blood clotting and the maintenance of normal bones.

What are the benefits of Celery?

With approximately 115.6 micrograms of vitamin K per 100 grams, the main benefits of celery can be listed as follows:

  • It may help prevent cell damage: Celery contains at least 12 different types of antioxidant properties in a single stalk, such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, and flavonoids, known for their antioxidant properties. Therefore, one of the main benefits of celery stalk is its potential to help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules resulting from various chemical reactions).
  • It may help reduce inflammation: While celery can be consumed as a root, various studies indicate that celery seeds also have significant health benefits. One of the most prominent benefits of celery seeds is their anti-inflammatory property, thanks to more than 25 anti-inflammatory substances found in their composition.
  • It may support the digestive system: Celery is one of the vegetables known for its high fiber content, which can support the normal function of the digestive system. Additionally, there are some studies suggesting that certain substances in celery may regulate gastric juice and help repair the stomach wall.
  • It may enhance sexual performance: The benefits of celery are also closely related to sexuality. According to various studies, celery extracts may particularly help enhance sexual performance in men.
  • It may aid in weight loss: With its high water and fiber content and low fat content, celery is a very satiating vegetable that can help with weight loss by providing a feeling of fullness for a longer period.
  • It may help control blood sugar: Celery is considered a low glycemic index food, so it may help control blood sugar levels.
  • It may support the immune system: Celery contains important vitamins and minerals known to support the normal function of the immune system, such as vitamin C.
  • It may alleviate menopausal symptoms: Celery is rich in phytoestrogens, which are known to help balance hormone levels in women. Scientific studies suggest that phytoestrogens may help alleviate menopausal symptoms in women.
  • It may help control blood pressure: Due to its high fiber content, celery may help control blood pressure (hypertension).
  • It may help lower cholesterol: One of the benefits of eating celery is its potential to help lower cholesterol levels due to its low-fat content.

How is Celery consumed?

   Celery can be consumed cooked or raw. Celery salad is an ideal recipe for those who prefer to eat it raw. Celery salad, which can be consumed with fish or chicken if desired, is known for its benefits, although it may cause allergic reactions in some people. Celery can also be cooked as a main dish. According to various studies, there is no significant loss of antioxidant components during approximately 10 minutes of steaming celery. However, boiling celery may lead to a loss of nutritional value.

What are the risks of Celery?

   Celery is generally considered safe to consume. However, it may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. If symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or facial swelling occur, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. In addition to allergic reactions, some studies on the benefits of celery and celery juice suggest that celery may cause uterine contractions. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to consult their doctors before consuming celery. Furthermore, celery may interact with blood-thinning medications and lead to disorders in blood clotting.

What are the benefits of Celery Stalk?

   Among the benefits of celery stalk juice are its potential to lower cholesterol, control blood pressure, and aid in weight loss.

What are the benefits of Celery for Babies?

   Celery may help soothe the digestive system, especially in babies with gas problems. However, despite being known for its benefits for babies, celery is one of the vegetables that can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is important to consult doctors before giving celery to babies and to give it in recommended amounts.

What are the benefits of Celery Seeds?

   Celery seeds have been used as supportive agents in the treatment of various health problems since ancient times. Today, celery seeds, particularly used to eliminate edema, may also help relieve muscle spasms, reduce stress, and control inflammation.

What are the benefits of Celery Leaves?

   Celery leaves are particularly beneficial for liver health. Some studies suggest that celery leaves may be used as a supportive treatment for health problems such as fatty liver disease.

What are the benefits of Celery Tea?

   Celery tea, thanks to its antioxidants, may protect the body from free radicals and reduce cellular damage. Additionally, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, celery tea may help reduce inflammation in the body. It can support digestive health by aiding in digestion and reducing bloating, gas, and digestive discomfort. Celery tea is known to help lower blood pressure and support heart health. It may support overall immune system health due to the vitamins and minerals it contains.