How should we support sexual development in children?

Sexual development in children includes the physical, emotional, social and cognitive changes that occur from birth to adolescence. In this process, children begin to form their sexual identities and develop awareness about sexuality.

How should we support sexual development in children?

   Sexual development in children encompasses the physical, emotional, social, and cognitive changes experienced from birth to adolescence. During this process, children begin to form their sexual identities and develop awareness of sexuality.

   Sexual development in children begins with the formation of sexual identity in infancy. As children explore their bodies, they begin to recognize their own gender and notice gender differences in their surroundings. This process involves gaining awareness of their bodies and sexuality.

   Sexual development in children should be supported in a healthy and understandable manner. Parents and educators should provide children with accurate information appropriate for their age and be open and understanding about topics they are curious about. Encouraging children to ask questions about sexuality in a sincere manner helps them understand that it is a natural process. However, every child's development is different, so approaches to sexual development should be adjusted according to individual needs. Additionally, cultural and religious differences should be taken into account when providing education on this topic.

Here are some recommendations for families regarding sexual education and development:

  1. Engage in open and sincere communication with your children to address their questions about sexuality, encourage them, and establish trust. Allow them to choose accurate information over misinformation.

  2. Provide information about sexual topics to your child that is appropriate for their age and developmental level. Use simple, clear, and understandable language.

  3. Take advantage of everyday opportunities to discuss sexual topics. For example, conversations can be initiated through books, movies, or TV shows.

  4. Teach children that their bodies are private and establish boundaries about who can touch them. By discussing "safe touches," you can teach them to respect their bodies.

  5. Remember that children may encounter sexual content on the internet and in media. Teach them how to be conscious about these topics and provide information about safe internet use.

  6. If you do not feel confident about the topic or find it difficult to answer your child's questions, consider seeking professional support. School counseling services, psychologists, or sexual health experts can assist you.

These recommendations can help support healthy sexual development in children, helping them grow into safe and informed individuals. It's an important process that requires supportive roles from parents and society. Providing children with accurate information, enabling them to develop healthy sexual identities, and learning about sexual topics safely helps them experience healthy sexual development and express themselves. Changes in the body are normal and vary for everyone. These are part of growing up.

Remember, "Sexual education supported by education and accurate information will help prevent sexual health problems, enable children to discover their identities, and respect these identities."