Side Effect-Free Method for Pain Treatment.

Side Effect-Free Method for Pain Treatment.

McKenzie Technique

The McKenzie technique is a fundamental discipline for treating movement limitations and improving physical functions.

   The McKenzie technique is an exercise program used in the treatment of common musculoskeletal pain such as back and neck pain. This technique involves the individual moving in certain positions and performing certain exercises that cause pain. These movements help reduce pain by strengthening certain muscle groups and increasing flexibility.

   The McKenzie technique was developed by N. Robin McKenzie in 1981. Its basic principle is to determine the cause of pain and develop appropriate treatment strategies. This technique consists of a series of tests to diagnose the movement or position causing pain and customize the exercise program for the individual.

   It is based on three basic movement groups: stretching, maintenance and strengthening. Stretching exercises reduce pain by increasing muscle flexibility. Preventive exercises help prevent pain by avoiding certain movements. Strengthening exercises reduce pain by eliminating muscle weakness caused by pain, and if done regularly, they not only reduce pain but also reduce the risk of pain in the future. Regular practice of these exercises also improves posture and spine flexibility.

   The McKenzie technique can be used for various musculoskeletal disorders such as back pain, neck pain, herniated disc, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and sciatica.

It can be an effective alternative in pain management and can be applied within a few minutes.

This website text highlights the importance of McKenzie therapy for pain management and encourages adopting a healthy lifestyle with recommendations.