Why should you not hold your urine for a long time?

Why should you not hold your urine for a long time?

Each person's bladder capacity and limits are predetermined. It should be emptied every 2-4 hours. Every time you withhold your urine outdoors, you increase the bladder capacity. This makes it difficult to empty it at once.

What happens if you cannot empty the bladder?

• The feeling of bladder fullness diminishes over time.

• Urine remaining in the bladder leads to infections (many people try to withhold urine to avoid infection, but the urine remaining inside actually causes infections).

The function of the pelvic floor muscles is adversely affected. In advanced stages, bowel functions can also be impaired, and you may experience chronic constipation.

Please do not make your bladder sad due to hygiene concerns, school activities, out-of-town travels, living in dorms, or work stress!

If, due to these retentions, you suddenly experience the urge to urinate, the reasons could be the following:

Attempting to urinate in a squat position,

Getting up before the bladder is fully emptied,

Attempting Kegel exercises while urinating,

Holding urine for long periods,

Attempting to empty the bladder before it is completely full (urinating out of precaution before leaving home). Unfortunately, these habits are ingrained in us from childhood. Anything you consider right due to hygiene concerns brings problems. Ignoring complaints and downplaying them complicates treatment. These habits can result in sudden urgency, urinary incontinence, painful sexual intercourse, painful menstrual cycles, and constipation.

Treatment is possible only through the support of pelvic floor physiotherapists. In children, the behavior of withholding urine and stool can be passed on from you to them. 'This is dirty, do not touch it; hold it until you get home.' Statements like these expose your kidneys to a burden.

Let's first change this habit in ourselves. Let's teach it to our loved ones. Let's protect the pelvic floors of the coming generations, shall we?