Does breast milk need to be shaken?

Does breast milk need to be shaken?

    How you eat is just as important as what you eat. Proper use and storage of breast milk are also crucial to ensure its quality and safety.

    One of the frequently asked questions by breastfeeding mothers is whether shaking breast milk harms it as it separates fat and water, doesn't become homogeneous, and needs to be mixed. This occurs in breast milk left at room temperature for up to 3 hours as well as in freshly thawed milk taken out of the freezer.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics has stated that shaking breast milk denatures the proteins it contains and disrupts the structure of long-chain fatty acids. Can this milk be consumed? Yes. Is it considered spoiled? No. However, it becomes a milk with reduced nutritional value.

    Instead of shaking, you can gently stir breast milk with circular motions or mix it with a clean spoon.