The Right Bath for Your Baby: Rules and Important Points by Age...

By covering bathing rules and important points for babies of different age groups, you will find tips for parents to bathe their babies in a safe and enjoyable way.

The Right Bath for Your Baby: Rules and Important Points by Age...

   Bathing temperature for babies is an important consideration for parents, but it's not just about the baby's bathing experience. The bathing process and precautions to be taken can vary depending on their age. Here are the bathing rules and important points for babies in different age groups:

   0-3 Month-Old Babies: During this period, babies should be bathed once or twice a week. Since babies' skin is sensitive, the bathwater temperature should be between 36 to 37 degrees Celsius. Babies may keep their eyes closed during bathing, so care should be taken to prevent shampoo or soap from getting into their eyes. Additionally, the bathing duration for babies in this period should generally be short, about 5 to 10 minutes.

   3-6 Month-Old Babies: Babies in this period can be bathed once or twice a week. The bathwater temperature should still be between 36 to 37 degrees Celsius. The bathing duration for babies in this period can generally be 10 to 15 minutes. Additionally, skincare for babies is important during this period, and moisturizer can be used after bathing.

   6-12 Month-Old Babies: Babies in this period can be bathed once or twice a week, but some babies may prefer to bathe more frequently. The bathwater temperature should still be between 36 to 37 degrees Celsius. The bathing duration for babies in this period is generally 15 to 20 minutes. Encouraging babies to play with bath toys can be beneficial during this period, but toys should be hygienic and cleaned regularly.

   12-18 Month-Old Babies: Babies in this period can be bathed once or twice a week. The bathwater temperature should still be between 36 to 37 degrees Celsius. The bathing duration for babies in this period is generally 15 to 20 minutes. Since babies may be more active during this period, it is important to be cautious and prevent falls during bathing. Additionally, opportunities for conversation and interaction can be created during bathing.

   The bathing process for babies in each age group should be adjusted according to their development. Regularly checking and adjusting the bathwater temperature for babies is important. Additionally, skincare after bathing and proper hygiene practices should not be overlooked.