What is Gas Pain during Pregnancy? Why Does it Occur?

Gas pain during pregnancy is a common problem; let's explore the reasons behind it.

What is Gas Pain during Pregnancy? Why Does it Occur?

Firstly, what causes it?

   During pregnancy, we observe many changes in hormone levels in our bodies. Especially, the increase in progesterone causes relaxation of your intestines and slows down your digestive system. In the third trimester, the growing uterus particularly exerts extra pressure on the intestines and stomach, leading to experiencing gas pain.

   Gas pain does not harm the baby. Recently, all extra pains are carefully evaluated by doctors. Sometimes, labor contractions can be mistaken for gas pain. Therefore, checking whether contractions are regular will reassure you.

   Working with a dietitian during this process will always be beneficial for you.

   Keeping track of what you eat, noticing gas-producing foods, and eliminating them from your diet routine will be helpful.

   Correct pushing techniques, breathing exercises, and proper relaxation of the pelvic floor can also help you expel gas. Therefore, you can seek support from physiotherapists for pelvic floor exercises.

   Eating little and often, chewing food well, drinking 2-2.5 liters of water regularly, and taking regular walks will be beneficial.

Foods to consume less:

  • Fried foods,
  • artichokes,
  • leeks,
  • beans,
  • cabbage,
  • broccoli,
  • processed foods,
  • excessively fatty and heavy sauces,
  • carbonated drinks like soda.